
目前顯示的是 10月, 2018的文章

Trans Atlantic part 1

End of Sep 2018, I got a call from Danny, I knew he has had already a plan to cross Atlantic with a south Africa doctor, form canary island to Caribbean.Danny took the change because it's a cat. the doctor will sail with his partner, but he prefer not to have the night watch, since he just had some heart problem in May. The sail will keep about 20 days, it would not be easy to have night watch for 20 days. I was driving when Danny call me to see if I can go with him? it took me only 10 seconds to knock my head. what a good chance!! Thanks to my boss, he let me take a leave of 30 days, now it's time to book the flight to Tenerife island. I did not know where is this island.  Well, they are islands near Africa, most of cross Atlantic boat start from here. And this area is very famous for blue marlin(tune) fishing. The flight to this island will take me about 3 transfers:  Taipei to Dubai, Dubai to Amsterdam(both sections are with A380), than take a smaller one t

Water in gasoline tank, metal tank on axopar24

It's a Axopar 24 with mercury 150 outboard engine. in a nice weather day of Oct, the engine died out few second after started up. unplug the fuel line and switch on the pump, it pump out milk like mixture of gasoline and water. A full bottle Also need to drain out all fuel from the fuel tank and clear it up. Check it the engine oil, there is also trace of water. Replace with Mecury engine oil, and clear the injectors. Lucky, the engine is not damaged, it started again. The fuel cap O-ring and pipes are all in good condition. So the water can be condensed from air ventilation, or in the process of filling gasoline, even in the gasoline itself. A good solution is to fit in fuel line a fuel water separator. Axopar 24 is a relatively compact boat, need to find a ease access place to install a fuel-eater separator.

Battery tester

電池測試器目前的售價並不貴, 所以買了一個來用.... 前一篇有說到一般說電池的健康是以CCA的狀況來評論 http://henrybluesail.blogspot.com/2018/10/what-type-of-lead-acid-battery-we-have.html 這個測試器有4功能,我覺得最吸引我的就是這個CCA的功能. 他是function1:  首先要知道電池的CCA,現在的電池一般都會標在上面 先把紅色接上電瓶正極,再把黑色接上電瓶負極,順序不對的話會出現error.... 上下箭頭找到 fun 1, 按enter進入後, 再用上下鍵輸入受測電池的CCA, 按下enter 就會開始測試CCA,  之後儀器會量測電池的CCA, 然後以百分比的方式告訴你電池的"健康狀況" 用箭頭選頁,還可以看到電池的內阻: 內阻也是個非常重要的參數, 新的電池大多在3mOhm左右 當然也是可以看到電壓... 儀器還有幾個其他的功能, 以後再試

Side power anchor windlass jammed with anchor rope

This windlass is installed on a axopar 37 Cabin. There was problem since the installation, boat owner even lost an anchor, I'm not sure why... Went for inspection on 2018/10/08, the rope is jammed on the disk. rope turns a full round, and jammed the windlass the other angle It seems the problem is the spacing between the deflector(black one) and the inner disk(on the right) You have to unmount the outer disk, then release the jammed rope. we first installed the rope guide, which was missing during last installation. try again, it jammed again. The cause is still the same, too much space between deflector and inner disk. The deflector is not at center of 2 disks. it's really off centered This is how it stated in the manual. It seems that the bracket is not fitting to the left... We have adjust the bracket and get it to the most left position. We have adjust the rope guide bracket, but only get couple mm of im

what type of lead acid battery we have on boat?

雖然我是鋰鐵電池的愛好者,但是這價格很高,懂得設計的人很少, 所以在船上也很少看到..... 我希望記下我目前對鉛酸電池的知識....這些都是google的到的東西,只是鉛酸電池發展非常久,種類分支非常多,不容易一次都找到.... 船上的鉛酸電池, 一般的船主會看見電壓, 當你跟船主說這電池可能要換了, 它們常常會說我看電壓還很好啊! 眼神會透漏著"你們公司又來巧立名目了...."真是冤望啊~~ 以前鉛酸電池的檢測很困難, 這幾年電子儀器的進步,你可以在網路上花個1000~3000NTD買個鉛蓄電池的檢測器,這個東西會告訴你一般產業裡對鉛酸電池的體檢標準.... 有時電池的電壓會維持得不錯,但是完全不具儲電及放電能力... 主要須注意電池的: 1.電壓(無充放電下): 這就不用說了, 掉到12V以下的電池通常是被惡劣對待過了(不適當的充放電) 2.電池內阻:電池的內部電阻, 內阻會隨著使用慢慢變大, 當然,內阻越大就越差了....但是內阻的值則依電池的類型會也些不同 3. CCA: cold crank amp: 這是測試電池啟動的能力,規範上還有CA, CCA是-18度C, CA是在0度C,時測試: " and measure the discharge load in amperes that a new, fully-charged battery can deliver for 30 seconds, while still maintaining terminal voltage equal to or higher than 1.20 volts per cell.   " 因為包含了電壓的維持能力跟電流的釋放能力所以常被拿來,當作電池健康狀況的指標,一般車廠說的電池剩下多少%壽命/健康,就是以這個量到的值除以電池上標示的額定CCA.所以在做CCA測試前必須先知道電池上標示的額定CCA,這樣百分比才有意義... 下圖示網路上可以找到的測試器.... 電池的種類: 當需要更換電池時,換哪種電池好,就又是一大問題...(這時就又會有"你們怎麼那麼貴"的問題....) 鉛酸電池的發展歷史很長,變成現在的電池"名目"很多,眾多的名目跟眾多的